Photography while snorkeling/free diving Komodo, Flores, and Alor
Ethan will share his thoughts about underwater photography while snorkeling/free diving, which often focuses on over/under or split techniques. He has just returned from Komodo, Flores, and Alor, his first international trip in two years and will cover these destinations as well as a few other areas in the Coral Triangle upcoming on his travel schedule.
Ethan Daniels is a guide currently based in West Linn, OR. Annual travels take him all over the planet, from the rich temperate waters of the northern Atlantic and the eastern Pacific to the warm, diverse Coral Triangle and Caribbean Sea. Favoring parts of the world that are relatively off-the-beaten path, he has authored three books, Coral Triangle Seascapes, Under Cape Cod Waters, and Marine Life and Natural History of the Coral Triangle. Since 2014 Ethan has run Coral Triangle Adventures, LLC, a snorkeling company that brings guests to regions with the most incredible shallow reefs on Earth. Some of his underwater imagery can be found on instagram at ethanadaniels and snorkeling trips he runs with CTA are listed at