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2022 Holiday Party

  • Bare Bottle Brewing Comany 2520 Augustine Drive Santa Clara, CA, 95054 United States (map)

NCUPS 2022 Holiday Party

Bare Bottle Brewing Company, Santa Clara

It’s time to celebrate the holidays with other NCUPS members in PERSON. 

WHEN:   Friday, December 2, 2022 – 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. (brewery closes at 11).

WHERE:  Barebottle Brewery, 2520 Augustine Drive, Santa Clara (located just off 101)

DETAILS:  Cost:  $16   We’ll order empanadas (2/person).  The brewery does allow us to bring in additional food.  So if you want to bring a snack to share, you’re welcome to do so.

BEVERAGES:  Beer, Wine, Coffee – Not included in above; Buy on your own.

We will reserve a couple long tables for our club.  Look for the NCUPS banner!
